Growth Mindset and Persistence

Watch the video: Growth Mindset

Source: UNC Learning Center

How To Improve Persistence

Download this document about How To Improve Persistence from The Learning Center,
Washington University in St. Louis.

Source: The Learning Center, Washington University in St. Louis.

Discussion Forum Assignment (30 points)

You choose to answer one of the following questions:

  1. What do you need a growth mindset to be successful? (10 points)
  2. What does persistence mean to you? (10 points)

To receive full marks for this discussion forum, you must have one original comment and respond to at least two comments from your classmates (5 points for each comment)

Extra points: Points will be awarded for comments that demonstrate your understanding of the topic (10 points)

Please be respectful of others’ thoughts and comments.

Where to post your comment?

Please visit this post in the class Facebook group:

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